More than 300 members of the McMaster and Hamilton communities gathered over two evenings to hear McMaster researchers talk about how ‘Big Data’ is helping to transform communities.
Use our new searchable database to learn more about the 148 projects that have received FWI funding.
The President's latest FWI Update, FWI: The Next Phase lays out priorities and areas of focus for the 2015-2016 academic year and beyond.
Margaret Trudeau spoke candidly about what people need to make their later years meaningful and fulfilling at a recent symposium on aging, the second event in the Big Ideas, Better Cities series.
About FWI
Teaching & Learning
Community Engagement
FWI Funded Projects
Forward with Integrity (FWI), an open letter first published by President Patrick Deane in 2011, challenged the McMaster community to find new and innovative ways to approach the University’s academic and research missions.
The principles and priorities outlined in the FWI letter are meant to inspire and guide this process of renewal and serve as the strategic direction of McMaster University.
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As a research-focused student-centred institution, the principles of FWI build on McMaster’s tradition and culture of research excellence by actively promoting interdisciplinary, collaborative approaches to discovery and exposing students at all stages of their academic careers to research methodology and opportunities.
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Throughout its history, McMaster has gained an international reputation for innovation in teaching and learning. The FWI vision has led to the creation of University-wide initiatives that will enhance our pedagogical research capacity and promote transformative approaches to student learning, emphasizing the value of experiential, self-directed and interdisciplinary learning.
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The FWI letter reaffirmed McMaster’s long history of commitment to service and to the public good. To strengthen community engagement at McMaster, we are implementing structural and cultural changes to integrate community-engaged research and education more fully into the academic mission of the University and to deepen our relationship with our community partners.
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Building on the FWI vision, McMaster aspires to be an institution that is global in impact. We are in the process of making structural and strategic changes to enhance our international research partnerships and collaborations and to meaningfully incorporate global perspectives into student learning.
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Since 2012, funding has been made available for projects that support and advance the principles of Forward with Integrity. Use our new searchable database to explore the 148 projects that have received FWI funding.
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Explore the progress of FWI with our Interactive Timeline, click on title of each box for additional information
Meet the recipients of the first-ever MSU Community Engagement Teaching Award.
Learn more about two new state-of-the-art undergraduate research labs in the Faculty of Science.
Stephen Huddart recently kicked off Big Ideas, Better Cities, a year of events showcasing McMaster research.
FWI Funded Projects
Learning Portfolio
Office of the President
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Learn more about the community engagement strategic planning process now underway.